When To Get An LLC


Does my business really need one? Have you ever wondered… do I need an LLC for my business? Don’t worry, we are here to help. An LLC stands for “Limited Liability Company”. An LLC is mainly setup to protect the members’ personal assets and keep them separate from the business’s creditors. What does that mean … continue reading the entire article

Trust And A Will

What’s the difference and why do you need both? Often clients ask, “If a Trust is more effective in transferring my assets, why do I need both?” A will and a Trust go hand-in-hand. We will explain below why you need both and how we can help. The most important difference between a Will and … continue reading the entire article

How a Beneficiary Deed Works

Hands holding pens over a legal document

Assets can be placed directly into a living trust to avoid probate, but also in some situations, you may choose to instead transfer the property by beneficiary deed. A beneficiary deed lists who the owner wants to inherit the property after his/her death. The new deed must be signed and recorded with the office of … continue reading the entire article